Parrish, who joined CampusDoor in 2016 after holding operational roles at the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency, expressed her enthusiasm for Incenter’s future growth opportunities.
“It is a privilege to help steward the future of Incenter,” Parrish said. “We enjoy many opportunities to leverage our unique intellectual property, services, and expertise and accelerate new solutions into the market at scale to help our clients.”
The promotion comes as Incenter prepares for strategic growth, including offering services to independent mortgage banks (IMBs).
Last fall, Incenter announced plans to broaden its services beyond student lending, aiming to serve national and regional banks, credit unions, servicers, investors, and asset managers. The company is also focusing on enhancing the growth and efficiency of IMBs through its variable-cost, mission-critical services.
Read next: Do non-bank mortgage companies pose financial stability risks?